World and Life Events

in my point of view


Published by 5yS under on 4:32 PM
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aaaa....saye sgt miskin..ptptn sile masuk dgn cpt..
dok menggatal sgt nk kawen konon...diri sendiri pn xtertanggung kn? @.@"..haha
so, kepade member2, aku bukan xnk active kt uia aku miskin...jgn nk ajak aku naek gunung ke g pulau ke sem dpn..aku jd surirumah je nnt..hahaha
yg ade pinjm kt aku tu, ehem2..bile lagi..haha
yg nk soh blanje tu..sori ah, xdpt den nk tlg..haha
yg aku ade pinjm lmbt byr aritu sori sgt ler..aku sesak cuti2 nih..nway aku da byr ok!!..haha

smlm tibe2 mak dtg mase aku tga on9,
"mak : nah, amik duit ni, g beli baju kemeja bru..asyik pkai bju hitam tuu jer..beli sluar track suit skly..koyak sana sini dah..
aku (dlm hati) : owh, mak, tenkiu sbb memahami =D"
(malunye..besa2 pn mak bg duwet lg :P)

Ya Allah..murahkanlah rezeki Abdullah Syamil Ahmad, jauhkn lah beliau dr hutang piutang..limpahkanlah rahmatMu keatasnya...Aminnnn..

Dan kepada kakak2 dan abg2 yg kaye, kalo terbace post nie, sile la *ehem2* hahahahaha..ok ini bukan memintk tahu~~

Mak ayah, nnt saye byr balik yer...bole mak ayah g umrah nnt, insyaAllah...maaf, da tua2 ni pn masih you both =)


cik dhiya said... @ July 8, 2010 at 1:40 PM

belanja tetap belanja..mane boleh nk lupa terus beb,haha

نور فضيلا said... @ September 16, 2010 at 2:46 AM

hahaha..nice la!

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Today I shall be refined in my speech and will utter neither evil speech nor obscenity. Also, I shall not backbite.
Today I will be particular about my bodily cleanliness and appearance.
O' past that has departed away and is gone, I will not cry over you. You may not see me remembering you, not even for a moment, because u have travelled away never to return.
O' future, you are in the realm of the unseen, So i will not be obsessed by your dreams. I will not be preoccupied about what is to come because tomorrow is nothing and has not yet been created.