World and Life Events

in my point of view

Remind Me, Remind U

Published by 5yS under on 5:40 AM
"Berilah peringatan!! sesungguhnya peringatan itu baik utk org2 yg beriman"
"Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia berada dlm kerugian, kecuali org2 yg beriman dan beramal soleh dan yg berpesan2 dengan kebenaran, dan yg berpesan2 dgn kesabaran"

Bru saja on9 facebook, kemudian terbaca status oleh Yusri Salam:

[apa salahnya si jahat menegur orang supaya berbuat baik? apa
kesalahannya? kenapa kita rasa kita tak perlu ikut nasihatnya?sebab dia
jahat? cos it makes them hypocrites? pemikiran manusia yang typical
adalah : "kenapa kau nak sibuk tegur aku, ...kau sendiri macam apa je."]

Post ini sgt menarik hati saya, kerana perkara seperti ini mmg menjadi kelaziman dlm masyarakat terutamanya masyarakat melayu.
Pada saya tidak perlu timbul isu "sibuk menegur org laen,sedangkn diri sendiri tidak terjaga"
Hal ini kerana, mmg kita manusia, tidak terlepas dr melakukan kesilapan..
Dan mmg menjadi kelaziman kita, utk tidak melihat akan kesalahan diri dan lebih cenderung mengesan kesalahan org laen..
Pada pendapat saya, kelebihan utk "mengesan kesalahan org ini" mmg satu anugerah Allah yg sgt istimewa..Kerana itulah kita diperintahkn utk saling tegur menegur dan peringt memperingati ke arah kebaikan dgn kesabaran..
mengapa saya melabelkannya sbg istimewa?jawapan bg persoalan ini akan lebih ketara jika kita mampu menjawab soalan dibwh ini :
"apakah kebaikan dlm memberi teguran kpd org lain?"
ada beberapa kebaikan yg dpt saya fkirkan disini..

pertama, mampu mengeratkn silaturrahim sesama manusia. Apabila hendak memberikan teguran, sudah menjadi kemestian utk kita bertgur, dan mengenali org tersebut trlebih dahulu. dan imagine jika teguran kita itu diterima baik oleh org trsebut, maka, sudah tentu org tersebut akan lebih menghargai kita dan mudah mendampingi kita..
kedua, sebagai salah satu bentuk mahasabah diri kita..Apabila kita berasa ingin menegur seseorg,kita akan lebih membandingkn perbuatan tersebut dgn kebiasaan kita..sudah tentulah jika kita berhasrat menegur perbuatan seseorg, kita sedar bhwa perbuatan itu salah atau tidak bertepatan dgn tuntutan agama atau kebiasaan. secara tidak langsung, akan terdetik dihati kita bhwa kita juga harus menjauhi perkara me, u will..cubelah sendiri!!
ketiga, mendapat pahala dan ganjaran disisi Allah. Ini memang menjadi perkara yg umum..jd tidak perlulah diterangkn dgn lebih lanjut..
Oleh itu, ingin saya tekankn disini bahawa, tidak rugi untuk menegur kesalahan org laen..tetapi harus diingati, tujuan teguran itu dibuat haruslah atas niat yg baik, bukanlah dgn tujuan memalukan atau menonjolkan kelemahan individu tersebut.

"sibuk menegur org laen,sedangkn diri sendiri tidak terjaga, malah lebih teruk"
Jika kita masih berpegang pada takuk ini, saya rasa, tiada siapa pun yg layak menegur sebrng kesalahan org lain, kerana kita mmg tidak akan terlepas dr melakukan kesilapan...
Jikalau kita masih bersikap sedemikian, tidak mustahil satu hari nnt, tiada siapa yg berani memberi teguran berguna lagi...
Jangan diendah siapa pemberi teguran, tetapi ambillah intipati teguran tersebut..
Ambillah mana yg jernih, dan tapis mana2 yg keruh..cloroxkn mana2 kotoran yg degil..apa yg penting, ikhlaskan niat dan sama2 lah bantu membantu..
Apa salahnya, kita kurangkn ego, terima teguran2, improvekn diri dan sama2 menuju kearah yg lebih baik..insyaAllah, kita akan mampu menghidupkan masyarakat Muslim yg berkualiti.
Bersama2 lah kita membudayakan sifat ini dlm kehidupan seharian.

p/s: terkilan dgn segilintir masyarakat yg masih memandang jelik si pemberi teguran.

What's happening during Ramadhan

Published by 5yS under on 6:17 AM

There's been few days since we entered Ramadhan kareem...And Im really grateful tht i've been given a chance by Allah to be able to live and feel the warmth of Ramadhan..And i prayed tht this will be the best Ramadhan for me, all my sins is forgiven and hope tht every deeds tht i made will be accepted by Allah..Ameeenn...
Well, this year's Ramadhan, is totally a different one from any previous Ramadhan tht i'd ever experienced..(bcoz of "the job" thingy..lets not say much about it :P)
I do observe a lot on people around me. When it comes to fasting, most muslims doesnt have any problem with it. From what i saw, every muslims stopped from doing their job when the time to "break" fast is approaching...they prepared their meal and eat together...
However, it's been a tradition in Malaysia to break fasting by eating delicious and expensive food which for me is an uncalled event and its totally a wasteful act..
People spend about rm10-rm30 per day just to buy their food for break-fasting...When i asked them, "isnt it a waste to spend those huge amount of money for one-shot-eat?"Their answer is always the same.."we've been fasting for the whole day, so we must enjoyed the break-fast foods"..its not necessary right?
Well for me, in a particular point, Ramadhan is a month where we can save our budget on food and its a time where we can saved some of our budget for future uses. Go to mosque for free break-fast everyday and attend the qiyamullail and get ur free sahur..sometimes u can get moreh too..saved up ur money..and at the end of the month, u can get one DSLR camera(make sure u r not doing it all just to get free food though :P )

Enough talking bout money and foods...
What I saw during this Ramadhan, muslims are eager to fast...these can be proved by seeing tht all muslim's workers stopped their job and prepared for break-fasting together...However, after they finished their meals, they just continued their job rightaway...Only fews went to Musolla to pray Maghrib prayer...For me, this is a serious event. Both solat and fasting is obligated to all muslims with few exception..I doubt tht people have tht exceptions when it comes to Solat when they can fasting without any problems..Is it bcoz solat is somethng "normal"where we are obligated to do everyday and fasting only comes one month in a year?
The same things goes for solat Fardhu jamaah and solat Tarawih..
People tend to come and joined solat tarawih and neglected the solat fardhu..whereas, solat tarawih is sunat muakkad.

I would like to remind myself and all of us tht we must fulfilled the obligation tht is appointed to us by Allah and at the same time we must know the priority of doing things. First things first!!
Other than tht, we must contained ourselves from doing excessive things which may leads to wasteful event or acts.As Allah dont like redundancy or excessiveness..
And let us think about this too.."are we doing anything bcoz of Allah or are we doing it just bcoz of "tradition" which is practiced by our ancestors?"
Ask ur Iman...

Hopefully, this Ramadhan can lead us somewhere which we can improvise ourselves to become a better muslim mu'min..insyaAllah..

Deghoyan oh deghoyan

Published by 5yS under on 11:29 AM
Di tgh2 musim durian ni, tibe2 dpt email bergambar from my sis, tnjuk pencapaian terbaru biotechnology dlm penghasilan baka durian yg berbuah lebat..namun bukan hanya berbuah lebat, tapi buahnya di bahagian pangkal akar pokok..Sebenanye, aku pena fkir nk hasilkn pokok durian cmtu tgk2 da ade org buat, siap berjaye lagi..haishh..curik idea aku ke?
Tp xpe..still so many things in this world yg ade peluang to be improved kn..lgpn xsemestinye perfect lg buah diorg tu..mesti buah tu xmanis sgt kn sbb kurang dpt cahaya matahari n buahnye lebat, pembahagian nutrient, mmg tunggu aku jgkla nk perfectkn buah hope my dear, you hope~
Ok, let pictures do the talk..tgkla, memang menarek...
to all biotechnologists, spread up ur mind, godspeed actions, and dont limit your mind!! nothing is impossible, dare to dream~~

p/s: aku nk buat buah durian xde da ade org buat jgk..xpe2, jom buat durian xde kulit plak..:P
Today I shall be refined in my speech and will utter neither evil speech nor obscenity. Also, I shall not backbite.
Today I will be particular about my bodily cleanliness and appearance.
O' past that has departed away and is gone, I will not cry over you. You may not see me remembering you, not even for a moment, because u have travelled away never to return.
O' future, you are in the realm of the unseen, So i will not be obsessed by your dreams. I will not be preoccupied about what is to come because tomorrow is nothing and has not yet been created.